Invite your favorite characters for a magical day

a blurry photo of a bunch of lit candles


Discover our different formulas adapted to your events and celebrations.

Celabrate your Birthday with your favorite characters to create fantastique memories.

You need a jury or a Host for your Cosplay Competition ?

Formula 1

Entertainment for town halls and shopping centers, creating a festive and engaging atmosphere.

Formula 2
Formula 3

Coming of a superhero or a princess with superior quality costumes.

Pack including
One character
Story about one of his adventures
Photos and videos with guests

Animation from 1 hour from Paris

150€ / 1 HOUR*
250€ / 2 HOURS*

With more than 12 years of experience, and more than 30 costumes to his credit,
Han Jones will be happy to lend his skills
to your convention!

*Excluding road costs from Paris

Pack including
Venue during the event hours
Hosting or jury of the Cosplay Competition
Sharing venue on different networks
Panel or Questions/Answers
*Possibility of Disney or Manga Concert *Possibility of Pop Culture Quiz with prizes

800€ / 2 DAYS

*Excluding VHR costs
*Concert & Quiz supplement

Coming from a superhero or a princess with superior quality costumes.

Pack including
Wandering of the character(s)
Photos and videos with public
Promotion of your store / C.Commercial

Animation from 1 hour from Paris

150€ / 1 HOUR*
250€ / 2 HOURS*

*Excluding road costs from Paris

Contact us

We are at your disposal for any entertainment requests.
Do not hesitate to contact us
to discuss your project.
