Invite your favorite characters for a magical day

Discover our different formulas adapted to your events and celebrations.
Celabrate your Birthday with your favorite characters to create fantastique memories.
You need a jury or a Host for your Cosplay Competition ?
Formula 1
Entertainment for town halls and shopping centers, creating a festive and engaging atmosphere.
Formula 2
Formula 3
Coming of a superhero or a princess with superior quality costumes.
Pack including
One character
Story about one of his adventures
Photos and videos with guests
Animation from 1 hour from Paris
150€ / 1 HOUR*
250€ / 2 HOURS*
With more than 12 years of experience, and more than 30 costumes to his credit,
Han Jones will be happy to lend his skills
to your convention!
*Excluding road costs from Paris

Pack including
Venue during the event hours
Hosting or jury of the Cosplay Competition
Sharing venue on different networks
Panel or Questions/Answers
*Possibility of Disney or Manga Concert *Possibility of Pop Culture Quiz with prizes
800€ / 2 DAYS
*Excluding VHR costs
*Concert & Quiz supplement
Coming from a superhero or a princess with superior quality costumes.
Pack including
Wandering of the character(s)
Photos and videos with public
Promotion of your store / C.Commercial
Animation from 1 hour from Paris
150€ / 1 HOUR*
250€ / 2 HOURS*
*Excluding road costs from Paris

Contact us
We are at your disposal for any entertainment requests.
Do not hesitate to contact us
to discuss your project.

Hosting, singing and cosplaying for various events
Question ?
+33 6 42 62 86 77
© 2025. All rights reserved
Han Jones Animations